
Did you know that Lochaber Dog Services offers dog training classes as well as one to one training? well when i say ‘classes’ its much more informal than what might come to mind!

The Benefits of Outdoor Informal Dog Training Classes

As a dog trainer who believes in positive reinforcement, fear-free methods and dog centred care, I’m excited to share the advantages of hosting informal dog learning ‘classes’ outdoors. These sessions provide a unique and enriching experience for both dogs and their owners. Let’s explore the reasons why outdoor sessions are so beneficial:

1. Natural Environment

The Great Outdoors

When we step outside, we enter a world filled with sensory stimuli—rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the scent of fresh grass. For dogs, this environment is a treasure trove of new experiences. Here’s why:

  • Novelty: Dogs thrive on novelty. The outdoor setting introduces them to different sounds, textures, and smells, stimulating their curious minds.

  • Real-Life Scenarios: Training in a park or open field exposes dogs to real-life distractions—other dogs, people, bicycles, and more. This prepares them for everyday situations.

2. Freedom of Movement

The Runaround Class

The “Runaround” class is designed for social butterflies—the dogs who love mingling with others. Here’s why it’s held outdoors:

  • Off-Leash Play: Dogs can stretch their legs, chase each other, and engage in close physical play. Off-leash freedom allows them to express their natural behaviors.

  • Socialization: Interacting with fellow canines fosters social skills. They learn to read body language, practice polite greetings, and build friendships.

3. Safety and Confidence

The Moocharound Class

The “Moocharound” class caters to dogs who feel uneasy around distractions or other dogs. Here’s why we take it outside:

  • Observation: Dogs observe from a safe distance. They watch the world go by without feeling overwhelmed. Gradually, they gain confidence.

  • Threshold Training: By maintaining distance, we help dogs stay below their stress threshold. This empowers them to cope with triggers at their own pace.

Outdoor classes offer a holistic approach to dog training. Whether your pup loves the runaround or needs a bit more distance, our goal remains the same: to create confident, well-adjusted companions. So, grab your leash, head outdoors, and let’s learn together! 🐾🌳

Remember, every dog is unique, and tailoring our approach to their individual needs ensures a positive learning experience. Happy training! 🐶❤️

Both sessions last approximately 1 hour, with no requirement for you to stay for the whole session
No pressure or expectation to perform specific behaviours
No need to sign up for membership or subscription
No need to attend every session, drop in and out to suit your lifestyle

Inclusive and welcoming to all


foundation training podcast


How It All Began.